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Red Tail Golf Club

If your club is in need of bunker sand for that renovation project, topdressing sand for aeration, divot mix for your tees/fairways, or a specialty blend for that new grow-in, contact us today! Our team is excited to assist and guide your decision! Take a minute to even book a free estimate right here on our website!

Topdressing, Divot mix, Grow-in, Bunker Sand

1mm Green Sand

100% topdressing sand with dye, no organics added

Green Divot Mix

This is a blend of our 1mm topdressing sand with Dakota Peat for quick germination

1mm Sand

1mm Top Dressing Sand

80-20 Sand-Peat

90-10 Sand-Dakota

Green 1mm Top Dressing

2mm Sand

2mm. Top Dressing

80-20 Sand (P or C)

90-10 Sand (P or C)

80-10-10 Sand-Peat-


(P or C) = Peat or Compost

Bunker Sand

High Density


Pro White



80-20 Sand / Peat

70-20-10 Sand / Soil / Organic

90-10 Sand / Dakota

*Custom mixes available upon request.*

80-20 Sand / Compost

Divot Mixes

5-2-2-1 Mix ¼"

Other Mixes

60-40 Sand-Compost 2mm

60-40 Sand-Soil 2mm

*2mm. Tennis court soil

*1/4" Tee Blends

*3/8" Bridging Stone

*Cart Path Mix

*We have the ability to meet your specific needs, the products listed above are some of our more common products that we move. Click on the products button below for a more extensive list.*

Golf: Calculator
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